Easy Summer Break Transition Tips

Easy Summer Break Transition Tips

School is out for summer, and getting into break mode can be difficult for kids and parents. With a few simple tips, make the transition easy for everyone involved. Keep Sleep Schedules Consistent: Now that your kid doesn’t have school, they’ll probably want to stay...
Getting Good Sleep

Getting Good Sleep

Are you having trouble sleeping at night? How about feeling drowsy during the day? With so many distractions around us, getting good sleep can take a lot of work. Here are some tips to help: Be Consistent: Having a strict bedtime routine (brushing your teeth, changing...
Quick Workout Ideas

Quick Workout Ideas

Don’t skip the gym if an hour-long workout session is too much of a time commitment. Instead, inject short exercise sessions into your day. Here are some ways to exercise when you’re short on time: Stretch throughout the day: Stretching improves circulation,...
Building Strong Bones: Tips for Lifelong Bone Health

Building Strong Bones: Tips for Lifelong Bone Health

Our bones take a pounding all day, every day. Unfortunately, we don’t think about them until we break one. Building strong bones isn’t just for kids; it’s a lifelong endeavor. As we age, bone growth continues but at a slower pace. By the time we hit 30, we...
Getting Children Ready for Camp

Getting Children Ready for Camp

Summer is almost upon us, and many children are looking forward to one thing — summer camp. For most, this is their only extended time away from home all year, so they may be anxious. Here are a few tips for getting your children ready before you drop them off:...