Snack Smart After Your Workout

Snack Smart After Your Workout

You’ve just finished a grueling workout, and now it’s time to refuel and recover. But with the fatigue setting in, the last thing you want to do is spend time preparing a complicated meal. Don’t worry; you can still give your body the nourishment it...
Understanding the Connection Between Your Gut and Brain

Understanding the Connection Between Your Gut and Brain

When you feel strong emotions like anxiety or stress, it can affect your stomach. Sometimes, your stomach might feel upset, and you might even feel pain or discomfort. But here’s the interesting part: It’s not in your head! Your emotions can actually...
Eating Smart While Traveling

Eating Smart While Traveling

Sampling new foods and drinks is a big part of many vacations. However, it can also cause sickness and guilt from overindulging. Here are a few tips to ensure out-of-town meals don’t lead to woes. Eat with limits: Buffets and all-inclusive meals might tempt you to...
Stay Hydrated with Tasty Drinks

Stay Hydrated with Tasty Drinks

Our bodies need water to stay healthy and refreshed, especially when it’s hot outside. Instead of counting how many glasses of water you drink, focus on keeping hydrated with tasty beverages. Water-rich fruits like melons, berries, and citrus can help keep you...