Understanding the Connection Between Your Gut and Brain

Understanding the Connection Between Your Gut and Brain

When you feel strong emotions like anxiety or stress, it can affect your stomach. Sometimes, your stomach might feel upset, and you might even feel pain or discomfort. But here’s the interesting part: It’s not in your head! Your emotions can actually...
Navigating Mental Well-being: Practical Tips for Self-Care

Navigating Mental Well-being: Practical Tips for Self-Care

Are you feeling stressed out or worried? You’re not alone! Lots of people sometimes feel this way. Here are some tips to help you take care of yourself when things get tough: Take Mental Health Days: Mental health days can be great reprieves from our stressful...
Post-Holiday Reset

Post-Holiday Reset

The turkey dinner is a distant memory. Not one scrap of wrapping paper litters your floor. There’s not a drop of eggnog left to sip. The holiday season is officially behind you. It’s time to return to your everyday life. After two months of food and stress, this may...
Coping With Holiday Stressors

Coping With Holiday Stressors

Friends and family surround you during the holidays. These can be times of joy, anxiety, or a combination. At Thanksgiving, many of us gather around families. We love our families, but a multigenerational gathering is a crush of personalities, histories, and habits....
Subtle Warning Signs of Burnout

Subtle Warning Signs of Burnout

Everyone knows burnout causes mental and physical strain, so it’s best to slow things down before you get burned out. The problem is that many of us don’t recognize burnout until it has ravaged our lives. Learn your body’s warning signs of burnout and take steps...