Boost Your Health with Fruits and Vegetables

Boost Your Health with Fruits and Vegetables

Every day, there’s some confusing health information in the news. But when it comes to eating fruit and vegetables, the message is clear: Eating fruit is essential for good health. The rainbow of produce provides a host of nutrients that help the body fight...
NEAT – Movement without a plan

NEAT – Movement without a plan

The human body is a wondrous machine. Hundreds of operations, processes, and productions are happening every second of every day. With no effort, we are burning calories. Yes, digestion requires calories. Stirring a pot burns more calories. We can use up a sizable...
Navigating Nutrition Information

Navigating Nutrition Information

Should you “feed a cold and starve a fever” or “starve a cold and feed a fever”? You should ignore both versions because there isn’t much helpful information in either one. With so much information found online or given to us by caring friends and family today, it...
Staying Active

Staying Active

April is upon us, and seasonal showers tend to be the norm putting us at the mercy of the weather when it comes to being active and moving our bodies. If the weather is not cooperating, try doing some easy at-home exercises to get your heart rate up, keep the blood...
National Nutrition Month – NNM 2021

National Nutrition Month – NNM 2021

March is always noted as National Nutrition Month® (NNM) by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (AND). Every year the AND determines a new theme for NNM, which focuses on tips and ideas for focusing on healthy tips and tricks to improve nutrition and increase...