Freeze It!

Freeze It!

Freezing is a simple way to preserve summertime bounty. With protection, frozen foods retain the nutritional content, color, texture, and flavor they have when harvested. Starting at 0° F, microbes become dormant, so microorganisms that cause foods to spoil stop...
Gut Check

Gut Check

Life is about balance, even inside our bodies. There are millions of tiny organisms in our guts working to keep our entire body working right. But unfortunately, if there are too many of some microorganisms and not enough of others, the colon, the brain, and different...
Composting 101

Composting 101

Did you know that we could eliminate twenty to thirty percent of the trash that currently heads to landfills if we compost it? Composting materials allows us to reduce waste while creating organic matter that can provide much-needed nutrients for our plants, gardens,...
Ancient Grains Are Worth A Look

Ancient Grains Are Worth A Look

With so many grains or carbohydrates to choose from in the grocery stores, it can get confusing and overwhelming trying to decide what new things to try. So for something new, try an Ancient Grain! These grains maintain their original seed form and have no...