Meals vs. Snacks

Meals vs. Snacks

Here is a great way to tell the difference between eating a meal or a snack. All food breaks down into six different food groups. They are as follows: carbohydrates, protein, dairy, fruits, vegetables, and fats. The best way to ensure you have a balanced nutritional...
Stay Healthy Eating ALL of the Food Groups

Stay Healthy Eating ALL of the Food Groups

The key to staying healthy is making sure there is a balance between what you eat and being active. Focusing on the micronutrients and food groups can help assure you get the nutrients your body needs. To do this, you must include foods from every food group and vary...
National Nutrition Month – NNM 2021

National Nutrition Month – NNM 2021

March is always noted as National Nutrition Month® (NNM) by the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (AND). Every year the AND determines a new theme for NNM, which focuses on tips and ideas for focusing on healthy tips and tricks to improve nutrition and increase...