Winter Sports – Snowboarding and Skiing

Winter Sports – Snowboarding and Skiing

Yay! It’s time to hit the slopes. Snowboarding and skiing are tons of fun and great for your health. Health Benefits: First, these sports offer a slew of health benefits. Just one day on the mountain can give you the exercise you need for the week, including Improved...
Winter Activities to Get Moving

Winter Activities to Get Moving

We must put in more effort to feel good mentally and physically in the winter because lack of sunlight affects our serotonin levels, which means we may likely be more susceptible to depression. The happy hormones – dopamine, serotonin, and endorphins – are all...
Spring clean your workouts

Spring clean your workouts

Do you need more motivation? Are you bored with your exercise routine? Then, consider a little spring clean! We take time to “spring clean” our homes. Now is the perfect time to “clean” up your routine. It is a great time to get out of the house  and move into the...
Marching Your Way to Good Health

Marching Your Way to Good Health

Is the cold March air keeping you from doing your favorite outdoor walks or jogs? If you don’t have the space or the funds for a treadmill, consider walking in place. Long stretches of sitting can be as dangerous to your health as smoking cigarettes. Walking in place...