Do you need more motivation? Are you bored with your exercise routine? Then, consider a little spring clean!
We take time to “spring clean” our homes. Now is the perfect time to “clean” up your routine. It is a great time to get out of the house and move into the sunshine. Embrace the changes that spring brings and reenergize by incorporating the tips below into your routine.
- Phone a friend. Bring a buddy for support, accountability, or to make the class more exciting.
- Change up your movement style. This keeps things exciting and ensures you hit all different muscle groups.
- Listen to a new podcast or switch up your playlists. Utilize music apps to provide fun and upbeat playlists to get you pumped or use this time to learn something with a podcast.
- Buy a new outfit, water bottle, sneakers, or piece of equipment. A new item may be just the thing to get you ready to work out.
- Take a new path. Switching up your route keeps things interesting.
- Check out a new gym or course. Changing the fitness center or type of class can introduce you to something new or add a little change to your routine.
- Join a running or walking club. Daily or weekly meetups give you something to look forward to. Plus, they’re a great way to socialize and meet new people in your community.
- Work with a personal trainer. Trainers can guide beginners and experts to revamp a tired workout routine.
- Switch up your mindset. Reframe your thoughts about exercising. Start to think of movement as a source of fun, self-care, and stress relief, not a chore. Look for exercises that make you happy and excited to do.
Start with some small modifications to get that boost of inspiration! Click here for more information on finding motivation and inspiration to exercise.
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