Today, children spend a lot of time indoors playing with devices and don’t eat enough healthy foods. We all know children aren’t getting enough nutrition and exercise daily. This month — Kids Eat Right Month — is the perfect time to try to improve their health.
Most of us aren’t sure what the nutritional requirements for kids are. Use the health care professionals that are already part of your life to help identify them. Your family doctor and school nurse can describe the specific needs of the little ones in your life. Plus, most health insurance plans cover counseling sessions with registered dietitians (RD).
When you know what children need to grow strong, the next hurdle is finding foods that fulfill these needs. RDs are great for this mission. Because they are familiar with lots of food options, they can recommend items that fit your taste and schedule. Your local supermarket probably has an RD on staff. The staff RD can help you create healthy and interesting menus using the store’s inventory free of charge.
Dietitians can also recommend strategies to make mealtimes with picky eaters less stressful.
Get the kids involved to increase the chances that healthy choices become lifelong habits. Have them draft questions for the doctor or RD, accompany you on grocery shopping trips, help plan menus, assist in meal prep, and suggest fun outdoor activities.
If you need some inspiration, visit the Kids Eat Right website. Its collection of recipes, activities, and advice is constantly growing.
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