Of course, eating candy in moderation is OK. But if you are looking for tasty and healthy[ish] treats to hand out on Halloween, here are a few examples that will make your house a required stop:

  • Natural Fruit Leather. Made from whole fruit, fruit leather provides kids with much-needed fiber in a yummy treat.
  • Low-Sugar Candy. Many companies make lollipops, gummy bears, and other candies that use fruit and vegetable juices as the base of their recipes, often leaving out artificial flavors and dyes.
  • Plant-based snack bars. Several brands offer sugar-free bars bursting with the delicious flavors of fruit.
  • Snack-size Bags of Popcorn. Children love this naturally sugar-free treat.
  • Snack-size Bags of Pretzels. Most brands have no sugar, artificial colors, or artificial flavors.
  • Granola Bars. Read the labels to ensure you buy granola bars with little sugar but lots of whole grains.

To make sure parents feel safe, opt for treats in sealed packages. But if you know your little visitors well, you can make homemade versions of these snacks. This way, you determine your snack’s portion size, flavor combinations, and the amount of added sugar and salt flavorings.

Don’t be afraid to give your young visitors healthy treats this Halloween.

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