Benefits of Napping

Benefits of Napping

Sleep is an essential function for your body and mind. Lack of sleep can lead to health problems as well as cause sleep deprivation. Napping has always been a part of the normal daily routine for infants and small children. However, recent data has shown that napping...
Taking A Break From Stress

Taking A Break From Stress

Stress. Just reading the word elicits a reaction in the mind and body. Believe it or not, there are both good and bad types of stress. The definition of stress is the body’s ability to react to a challenge and usually elicits a feeling of being uncomfortable. It could...
Searching for a Better Night’s Sleep

Searching for a Better Night’s Sleep

What is something that we all love, that might not always be a priority, but we could all use it more? The answer is sleep! Everyone needs it, and everyone achieves a great night’s sleep differently. Time, temperature, location, lighting, and how we spend the hours...