Getting back into the swing of things can be difficult, especially after enjoying the perks of summer and summer vacations (later bedtimes and later mornings). However, getting back into a routine does not have to be a huge challenge for you or your family. Check out these tips to make the transition from summer to school a bit easier.
- Pick out clothes the night before. You’ve saved yourself some time (and a headache) when choosing an outfit by planning for the next day. Like to exercise in the morning? Pick out those clothes, too!
- Organize the materials needed for the next day. Pack up backpacks, organize schoolwork, work materials, etc. Having the materials ready to go will eliminate any frantic last-minute packing or the potential to forget something important.
- Plan out the dinners for the week (or several days at a time). Pre-planned (or even prepped) meals take the guesswork out of figuring out what to eat after a long day. Knowing what ingredients you will need or what you are having makes weeknights much smoother and less stressful for you and your family.
- Create a calendar. Include all activities for the month – appointments, sports games, birthday parties, and even errands. The organization will help to manage everyone’s routines more effectively.
- Designate a quiet space for work, homework, and studying. Organizing a separate area to work allows for fewer distractions and a calmer working environment. Set a timer for specific intervals (30 mins, 60 mins, etc.) and then add in a few brain breaks. Are you feeling frustrated with an assignment, question, or task? Take a break, even go for a short walk, and return to it.
- Include some movement in your afternoon or evening. An exercise class, walk after dinner, or any type of movement is helpful for our general health, but it also gets any of your pent-up energy out! If your family likes sports – separate into teams and play a game! It is also a great way to get in some extra family time.
- Limit screen time before bed and set a routine. Put down the tablets, phones, and computers, and turn off the TV. Reading a book, light yoga, stretching, and mindfulness practices are great ways to assist in winding down before going to bed.
- Get quality sleep each night. Poor sleep patterns can lead to unwanted effects – fatigue, irritability, brain fog, trouble concentrating, and a weakened immune system. If you discover that returning to an earlier bedtime is challenging, gradually adjust your sleep schedule. When it comes time to get back into it, you should find bedtime to be a bit easier to manage.
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